Monday, September 28, 2015

New Adventure

I am going to begin a new adventure in the next few months. I am fairly excited, but I have some trepidation going on as well. I was hoping you might help me in this new journey.

The month of October will be very busy preparing my house, my family, my friends, and my mind for the month of November because, you see, I have decided to participate, albeit without the huge group, in NaNoWriMo. (National Novel Writing Month). What does that mean? Well, basically that I will be consumed, the whole month of November. with writing my first novel. This is going to take a lot of effort and discipline, which I lack. And I will need to continue working my full-time job. 

So, in my home I need to make sure I am "set" with food, cleaning, and laundry needs, for a month, since I am not going to be able to do NEAR what I usually get done. There will be times I will have to wear my scrubs more than one day. Paper plates  and plasticware will become the norm. Freezer meals will take the place of slow-simmered crockpot meals. Dusting and vacuuming will have to be put off. And Thanksgiving dinner will have to be at mom's house. (Hope she is OK with that, wink, wink)

My family and friends will have to understand that I will not be "in the loop" for the month. Any free minute I have will be spent getting a few extra words either on paper or in the computer. I will not be able to get on Facebook and check what is going on in my family's and friends' lives - please understand that I love you very dearly and will miss that connection time. I will not be able to sit and visit with my family for hours at a time. I will not be able to come home from a taxing day at work and sit all evening binge watching my favorite shows in order to relax. Please know that all of this is temporary.

My brain and discipline are going to be the hardest to deal with. I have a tendency to be lazy - IS true! My husband would not agree with me, but I know me....I would MUCH rather sit and veg than sit at a desk and wrack my brain for words that just don't want to come! And as far as the up-coming month goes, I have to do all of the research and take all of the notes I need for my story. I am REALLY in hopes that this will be the best thing I have ever done in my writing - and THAT is a HUGE goal! (no pressure) Look, I am a writer and have been as long as I can remember (mom told me I was writing even at the age of four) and I know this will NOT be an easy feat. But there is one thing that is driving me forward.....THE LORD!!! He is the One Who has commissioned me to do this project. And if He has given me the task, He will provide me with all of the tools needed to complete the task.

So, all of that said.....I am asking that in the next few months, if you would please pray for this journey on which I will embark (notice no dangling participles) and the preparations I will need to make. And if you would like to private message me or email me, I will set aside a day once in a while to read your encouraging words and affirming notations.  I count myself blessed to know that each of you reading my blog and keeping me in your thoughts and prayers cares so very much.

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