I recently read a blog by one of my favorite hosts on QVC - Don't judge me. It got me to thinking about the season of Christmas and all of the traditions and customs that we have, not only here in the states but all over the world.
I am a Christian, first and foremost. I love Christmas. Yes, I understand that the whole "reason for the season" is Christ and His birth. But honestly, we were never instructed in scripture to commemorate His birth, were we? If I am mistaken, please tell me.
I love putting up a Christmas tree and decorating it. I love thinking back and recalling wonderful moments, as I hang the ornaments on my tree. I call it my tree because for some reason I am the one who ends up actually putting it up and putting on it the items that bring me joy.
I love watching the same Christmas movies over and over again, quoting certain lines from the movie as I sit in my pajamas eating cookies and drinking my hot chocolate. And I love watching the new Christmas movies that appear on the Hallmark channel.
I love the brisk air outside. I love watching the stars twinkle on a cold night and I am in awe as I watch the first snow fall. Who am I kidding, I love the snow EVERY time it falls. I love walking in that fresh-fallen snow and trying to keep my nose from getting cold. I love re-tracing my steps as I turn around so as to not disturb any more of the snow.
I don't enjoy the hustle and bustle of the stores and the frantic nature of people for the month leading up to Christmas, but I do love the joyous attitudes. I understand that many people don't have the love of Christ and for them it is all about presents and such, but it is at this time of year that I think every person, Christian or not, cannot help but get a glimpse of the love of God when they walk around, seeing everyone smiling.
I love the lights. (That's where my QVC friend got me to thinking.) I love driving around neighborhoods and seeing the lights displayed, anywhere from simple candles in the windows to grand displays of light - depending on the budget. I love finding ideas that will fit into my home and budget. I like finding ways to make my Christmas tree and the inside of my home be bright, and in turn inspire me to shine my light on the inside.
That brings me back to my original thought. I love Christmas and I love Christ most of all. Yes, He is the reason for the season, but I think we, as believers should be celebrating His life in us all year around. We can have joy and extra measure of charity and good will on December 25th, but it's the rest of the year that matters. Kind of like we make New years' resolutions on the 1st of the year but don't do anything the rest of the 364 days of the year. What's the point?
Anyway, I choose to celebrate Christmas with joy in my heart and a smile on my face, not because it's a day on the calendar, but because of who reigns in me all year long. And those of you who see me throughout the year know this to be a fact.
Stay tuned to more musings of Christmas in a few days.
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