Thursday, January 7, 2016

New Study

Everyone wants a way to be able to make "studying" more fun. Each person has their own definition of fun, though. Journaling in my Bible is not an option since 1) I am not an artist, and 2) there really is no room in the margins to make the excess notes I enjoy writing. But Bible journaling is a huge craze and I feel as if it is important in the process of truly understanding what the Lord wants to say through the Word.

I came across  Pinterest post with Psalm 103 as the heading and I thought to myself, "Good a place to start as any!" So I got out a notebook and my Bible and commenced to understand the Psalm a little more.

Memorization is difficult for me, but I found that if I write it down, it helps in recalling words and phrases that will be indelibly ingrained in my soul. So I wrote a few verses at a time, in small portions which went together.

Then I just went to town, making notes and underlining. I enjoy that part immensely. As you can see, i started my finding like words. By narrowing things down a few verses at a time I am able to understand what the writer is saying. I recalled some verses I had memorized and saw where they "fit" in this passage as well. (Principle upon principle) The only other resource I used was a dictionary to make sure I understood the words in the context of the verse. 

I am not done with this passage yet. I plan on meditating on it and making sure I understand the chapter as fully as possible before I move on. I still have more verses in the chapter to go as well., but I refuse to rush the whole process. I don't want to do this in order to "check off" a chore, but I want to savor the Words the Lord wants me to hear.

I am determined to make some changes in my life that will last linger than the few weeks when the excitement is still fresh. I NEED to have some disciplines that will remain through the highs and lows that each day brings.

If you want to join me, please leave a comment for me! I would love to know what YOU are learning!

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