Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Random thoughts

Just some random thoughts as the surgery date gets closer:

I have LOTS of meals prepared in the freezer. Took me two days to complete but I am glad it is finished. Hopefully will decrease the stress PO (that's post-op). 

Started cleaning more thoroughly and still need to wash my kitchen floor. That will bother me if I don't get to it SOON! 

Call from Doctor's office came. Insurance called and everything has been approved. Good thing since the surgery is only three days away. 

Granny is going to be keeping son, which is a wonderful blessing. Love him dearly, but I know I will be lazing around for the first few days.

So....there you have it. Some random thoughts. I have some very deep thoughts formulating in my head that haven't "gelled" just yet. Will post them as soon as I can make sense of everything. 

I will tell you that I have a sense of peace about this surgery. Complete strangers have told me that they will be praying for me. New friends online are encouraging me. I am already able to help a few "on the other side" with a bit of humor. DH is planning to pamper me for two whole days! The Lord is giving me such a sense of being useful for His Kingdom. I am thankful and look forward to see how He will use this new season in my life for His glory.

Until the profound thoughts formulate,


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