Saturday, July 11, 2015


So I am trying to determine how transparent I need to be in order to be helpful to some of you.  For the last few years I have been blogging about my feelings and many times I have been called to task in the accuracy of the statements that I have made. I assure you that my written expressions have been truthful, a healing balm to my spirit. 

Today I would like to start being quite frank with my sisters on this journey. Lately the abbreviations are my struggle:  DPO, PO, TVLO, DVLO, TVAH, LAVH. Then there are the terms and words that had once been labeled too personal to discuss in public:  drainage, gas, uterus, vagina, period. Can you venture a guess as to what I am referring? If you guessed hysterectomy, you are correct! I want to take you on a brief journey and hopefully I will not bore you.

Years ago I started noticing a few little changes. Digestive issues came on me during my cycle. I could feel twinges of paid during ovulation. Once I was admitted to the hospital because they believed something to be wrong with my colon. Overnight the Lord healed me. PTL! Then a few years ago my then-boyfriend (now husband) took me to the ER because of that same pain. The doctor could not determine the cause, stating that all that the tests showed was a fibroid. Since that time I have been struggling with some of the menopausal symptoms and it is driving me and my new family crazy! The irritability is the worst for them, the pain and cramping is the worst for me. Well, not having insurance is a negative for sure, but I found a free clinic and I was finally able to see a GYN. After discussing my case with him, he didn't think it would be necessary, but I insisted on having a hysterectomy. I want this over - and NOW! 

So, forward to today. I am less than a week from my scheduled surgery and I am pretty calm about it. I am going in to this with eyes wide open, having watched the ENTIRE procedure done on YouTube. (Isn't technology great!) I have already surrounded myself with several groups of women who are proving to be great! There is a website that answers so many questions:  There is a group of women on FB where I can find and give encouragement, have questions answered by others who have gone through the same things, and once I get to the other side I can offer my story as a way of encouraging others. It is a closed group, otherwise I would direct you to it. (Let me know in a PM if you would like the information.)

There you go. On Friday I will have my DVPH and I am thankful for the opportunity to share with you. I will be posting regularly about my specific experience. I am going to avoid sharing on FB. Please follow me here on this blog to get details and offer words of encouragement. Please avoid judgments. This decision was very personal for me and my husband and I have decided that it is the best for us. It may not be the best decision for every woman. 

Until my next update,


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